Utilities from Peter Colpaert
Provides a friendly alternative to DSPFFD, with
the possibility to create DDS source in case of a PF (changed 2013.04.23)
Creates a copy of a spooled file, with a possibility
to change the spooled file name and the user profile
Creates an Excel file (using POI) of any PF on the system (changed 2005.02.28)
If you get an error - read this
Retrieves the (first encountered) IP address for a job
HSSF POI Values for Color and Pattern
Using Scott Klement's articles from iSeriesNetwork about HSSF POI, I had a small
problem with a project - coloring some cell's. Google'd - but couldn't find any
info about color values in Excel. Made some changes to Scott's demoprogram:
COLORDEMO. If of any interest.... you need to have Scott's source - which can be
found at www.iSeriesNetwork.com
ColorDemoX contains a SAVF with the source R. 5.1
Are you saving the right stuff on your AS/400
Have an AS/400 model 400 with 12 disks, one of them insisted to 'retire'.
No Raid and no Mirror.
Just two tapes with SAVSYS (option 21) in my hand.
Searching for help at Midrange.com and other places, I found an excelent overview
from IBM, about what to save (and restore) with the options from the save menu.
Backup/restore overview provided by IBM (.pdf)
Uploaded: 2006.02.22
WRKDBF isn't available for free any more.
Bill Reger has made it Shareware.
You can find WRKDBF here.